Where Is The Center Of Universe?


No matter what the object is, we know that it definitely has a center. Whether we talk about moon, sun, atoms, earth or any object present in the universe. According to this, the center of this universe must also be somewhere. But is there really any point that we can call the center of the universe? If yes, then where is that point and if no then why it is so? Let's find out the answer. 

The Centre Of Universe

When we use the word universe, it makes two meanings: first the whole universe and the second observable universe. If we talk about the whole universe, we do not yet know how big this universe is, whether it is eternal or it has an end. Astronomers are not unanimous even on this. On the other hand, if we talk about the observable universe, then it is only that part of the universe from which light has reached us. Normally when we say universe,  we are talking about observable universe. And when we talk of the age of universe, we are talking about the end of the observable universe. According to cosmologists, there is no place in this whole universe that can be called its center. Since it is symmetrical in every direction, it simply means that there is no center of this entire universe. But the question is how this can be possible? We know very well that no matter what the explosion is, there is definitely a center from which explosives start spreading.

With regard to the origin of this universe, Big Bang is considered to be the most accurate of the theories that cosmologists have given so far. According to this, the universe originated from an explosion some 14.3 billion years ago. In such a situation, there is no digression that there isn't any center of this universe. We think that there will be a center of this universe somewhere. But you have to understand that there is a huge difference between the explosion of the big bang and the ordinary boom. If I ask you that where the bomb blast takes place? Then you will say that ' in space ', there is already space in space  for explosion. But this is not the case with the big bang. Actually there was no space before the big bang, so my question would be wrong that where was the big bang was actually happened? 

The Big Bang 

You must have heard that before the big bang, this universe was present as a subtle point, due to some reason there was an explosion in the singular point which led to the creation of this universe. Today I want to tell you that this is not true but it is a very big misconception that is used only for better explanation that we can explain to the children about the big bang. Actually, Big Bang was not an explosion, nor was this universe present as a point. Let's understand what Big Bang actually was? 

In this universe there exist innumerable points at a given time. Due to the expansion of the universe, the distance of these points increases but if we go back in time, this distance will decrease and in the end there will be a time when the distance between them will absolutely zero and it would seem that only one point exists. But in reality there are still countless points. This point is called Point Of Singularity. It is important to understand that no point is being made and nor a point is being destroyed.
 Only their distance is changing. Therefore, it would be wrong to say that this universe was created from only one point, after which it started expanding. The correct statement was that this universe was created from a state where countless points were already present but the distance between them was zero after that the expansion of these points started which continues till today. All the points started spreading equally, so there was no such special point from which this universe is originated. Because of this there is no center of the universe. 

The Observable Universe

As I already said that the observable universe is only the part of the entire universe from which light has reached us yet. It means that the center of the observable universe depends only on the position of the obserber. Means that for each observers there is unique center of the universe. For example, if you are on earth and tries to locate the center of the observable universe then you will find that the center of the observable universe is the point of your observation. 

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