NASA confirms the possibility of alien life in our solar system

NASA confirms the possibility of alien life in our solar system.

Image source - Google |Image By-Astrobiology


NASA scientists have found more evidence that Saturn's natural satellite Enceladus could support life: the presence of hydrogen molecules in huge geysers of water popping up from the surface. The discovery of the chemical source means Enceladus is currently the simplest place to look at life outside the world, with conditions that would be good for alien microbes to survive. 

"This is that the closest we've come, so far, to identifying a region with a variety of the ingredients needed for a habitable environment," said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's science mission directorate. 
Apart from Earth, the possibility of life in any other celestial body of the universe fills us with excitement, so if I say that we have some such celestial bodies in our solar system where the possibility of life is revealed What will you say? Yes, NASA has recently announced that the satellite of Saturn's planet Enceladus has everything that is necessary for life to flourish. Whenever it comes to finding life in our solar system, Mars is the first planet in our mind. But it is for the first time that we have found another satellite in this solar system, on which life is possible.
So let's know about Saturn's Enceladus and all those discoveries due to which NASA is giving it so much importance.

Research and the benchmark of Cassini 

The Cassini spacecraft was left to gather information about the planet Saturn. It was believed to be there until 2005 when it was orbiting Saturn, saw vapour coming out of the surface of Saturn's 6th satellite Enceladus that Enceladus is completely covered with solid ice when Cassini investigated it. It was found that these vapours were of water and were coming out of the ice crevices on the surface, it was clear that beneath the ice surface of Enceladus adus Water is present in the liquid phase.

Image Source - Google |Image by-Kevin Gill

About Cassini

Launch Date |Arrival Date| End Date | Mission typ
Oct. 14,1997 | Jan, 14,2005 |Sept. 15,2017 | Orbiter/lander

After this, the interest of scientists increased in this area, they found that when this satellite is closest to the c Saturn, its shape changes for some time due to the gravity of Saturn, which causes tides to be present inside the tides. The water gets hot at this time, the temperature rises to 90 degrees centigrade. Cassini has been collecting information about the Saturn planet for the past 13 years, its mission was over in September 2017, when its fuel was completely exhausted.
When extracting liquid water from Nsaladus, the presence of hydrogen was detected in it. There are single-celled organisms on earth that survive only on hydrogen and Co2 in deep water. These hydrogen and Co2 are found due to thermal heating and this process is called methanogenesis. 

The things that exist on Enceladus for life to flourish is liquid water without which we cannot even imagine life, an energy source and 7 elements namely carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Sulphur. However, the last two of them that is Phosphorous and Sulphur have not yet been detected, but scientists believe that it is definitely present there because its core is like a meteorite that contains Phosphorous and Sulphur. A single-cell organism living in an environment like Enceladus is living without any problems on the earth, it is absolutely possible that it can exist on Enceladus or it may be that life can be present in a slightly complex form, according to many scientists that life on earth also started in such an environment. 

Whenever we talk about alien life, the image of an organism is made in our mind which is either far more evolved than us or it's like us, that is why we do not find any thrill in micro-organism sort of life on the opposite planet, but we've to know that this discovery also will be vital for us because till now we've seen life only till the world. If we come to understand about any quiet life outside the world then it'll be confirmed that outside the world life also exists in many places.

Possibilities in other places

If we talk about the possibility of life on other satellites present in the solar system, apart from Enceladus, Jupiter satellite Europa is also under the eye of scientists because in this too saline water is present in the liquid phase in a large amount, NASA said that right now we can't say that we have found alien life on Enceladus, but we can definitely say that we have come to very close to doing this. After this discovery, scientists will also search for life on satellites, yet they were engaged in the search of those planets which are inhabitable environments only. 

NASA's quest to find alien life continues and the day is not far when we will explore life on other celestial bodies.
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